Posts Tagged ‘Bilderberg’

Geary-Khamis: The International Dollar You’ve Never Heard Of

July 10, 2010

From Wikipedia:”The Geary-Khamis dollar, also known as the international dollar, is a hypothetical unit of currency that has the same purchasing power that the U.S. dollar had in the United States at a given point in time. The years 1990 or 2000 are often used as a benchmark year for comparisons that run through time.

It is based on the twin concepts of purchasing power parities (PPP) of currencies and the international average prices of commodities. It shows how much a local currency unit is worth within the country’s borders. It is used to make comparisons both between countries and over time. For example, comparing per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of various countries in international dollars, rather than based simply on exchange rates, provides a more valid measure to compare standards of living. It was proposed by Roy C. Geary in 1958 and developed by Salem Hanna Khamis in 1970 to 1972.

The term, while not in widespread use, is sometimes used by international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in their published statistics.

Figures expressed in international dollars cannot be converted to another country’s currency using current market exchange rates; instead they must be converted using the country’s PPP exchange rate used in the study.”

There’s little information on the Web, nothing in the news, about this fabricated dollar. And once we’re all using our debit and credit cards, our every purchase tracked, once the need for actual physical currency is gone, what’s left of our freedoms?

Here’s another link that says virtually the same thing about this hush-hush “international” dollar.

So, if the standard is changed, if the US dollar is no longer the base currency of measurement for the entire world, what then? How much do you think your property, your labor, your goods, the food you eat, will be worth in, say, Chinese yuan?

The “international” dollar. Out of very thin air. Why collapse our currency? Anyone?

How else do you reduce us all and our American standard of living to that of the third-world serfs already conquered in Europe, Australia, Africa and the like?

Collapse the currency, the economy, devalue drastically the human and material resources of an entire nation, and, equally if not more importantly, discount the value of land. When US dollars are worth Geary-Khamis pennies, my house won’t be worth diddly-squat, especially to someone loaded with Billions or Trillions of that brand new international currency. Gee, wonder how much Soros has stashed in his mythical bank account.

Tell me this isn’t the richest Progressives’ game. The annual Bilderberg meeting this year was more to laugh behind all our backs because, like this truth or not, they’re winning, against all of us–because we the People won’t stand together.

M.L. Bushman